Thursday, March 19, 2009

Early Spring

We all know thatit is important to have a good snow cover if our plants are to survive our cold Winters. Therefore it is important during warm spells like the one we are going through right now, not to be too anxious to get out in the garden and cleam up those beds. The detritus still on the beds helps to protect the plants underneath and the seasons batch of insects that birds will need to survive.

There is an interesting article in the Toronto Star that on the topic that you might like to read. You can find it at


  1. My Tulips are up 3-4 inches up already...should I be covering them up with newspaper to protect them from the minus degree temps that we may come our way??

  2. I wouldn't do anything to them unless they have buds on them. I've discovered over the years that daffodils are extremely resilient as are tulips to alesser extent. I can only recall one Spring in the past 20 or so when I've lost some tulips because of a particularly warm period prior to the last hard frost.
    I wouldn't clean up my perennial borders yet to provide some protection to the plants.
