Saturday, December 14, 2013

Caring for your Poinsettias

                                      by Helen Gordon, Kitchener Master Gardener

The Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is a shrub in the Euphorbia family native to Mexico and Central America. So we know that it wants a warm home. In fact it grows best at temperatures of 20C daytime and 16-17C nighttime.  Exposure to cold, even for a brief period, causes it to droop and lose its leaves. So choose and transport your Christmas plant keeping  it cosy.

          The brightly coloured parts of the poinsettia are not the plant’s flower. They are actually modified leaves (bracts).  The flowers are the yellow-green knobs at their centre.

          Poinsettias exhibit photoperiodism flowering in  response to day length. To begin flowering they need 12 to 14 hours of uninterrupted darkness for 7 to 10 weeks. They bloom when nights are long and days are short.  The true flowers fade quickly but the coloured bracts last for four months. This makes them ideal for indoor colour in winter.

- Place your plant where it will get as much indirect sunlight as possible. Choose a place without drafts, hot or cold.

- Water it sparingly allowing the soil surface to dry out slightly between watering.

- There is no need to add fertilizer until April when 20-20-20 will help new growth along.

           It is fun to try to keep your plant from year to year. I had one re-bloom for five years until it got nipped by a late Spring frost in the garden. The secret is to prune it and repot it in late April. Cut it back by a third and mist it well. (The cuttings can be rooted as well.) Fertilize it once new growth appears. Set it out in semi-shade when all risk of frost is past and the temperatures in the 20C to 24C range.

          Water it as needed to prevent the plant wilting. Add a soluble fertilizer (20-20-20) every two weeks. Shape it with a second gentle pruning in July or early August. Never prune after September 1st.  Bring the pot indoors in early September.

          From mid-September to mid-November allow it bright light for ten hours followed by 14 hours of total darkness daily  for eight to ten weeks. This can be done by covering the plant with a black garbage bag each night and removing it each day. Or you can place the plant under a box or in a cupboard at night and put it under a light each morning. Remember that even the light from a streetlight can ruin the dark cycle.

          Fertilize it with 15-15-30 bi-weekly from early November to foster bloom formation. Then enjoy your Christmas blossoms.     


                                                           by Helen Gordon , Kitchener Master Gardener

           Of all the potted plants sold at Christmastime the most popular is the poinsettia. More than 65 million are sold every year in the United States alone.  But do you know their origin? Poinsettias (euphorbia pulcherrima) are native to Mexico and Central America where they grow wild as a bush up to 3 metres high.  The Aztecs knew these plants as cuetlaxochi and considered them a symbol of purity. They used the milky sap to treat fever and the red bracts for dye.


In the 17th century Franciscan monks chose them for their Nativity procession because their bright colour in the winter months. A legend sprang up: a young girl, Pepita, was walking to mass on Christmas Eve unable to afford a gift for the Christ Child. Her cousin, Pedro, comforted her saying that any gift given in love would be acceptable in His eyes. She gathered some leaves from a straggly bush and humbly set them down. At that moment the leaves turned brilliant red and from that time on poinsettias have had red bracts. The flower became known as “Flor de Nochebuena”, or “Flower of the Holy Night”.

The bushes caught the eye of Joel R. Poinsettia, the first American ambassador to Mexico , 1825 to 1829.  Poinsettia, a scientist and botanist, sent some plants home to South Carolina, thus introducing them into the States and giving them their name. He propagated them for his personal collection and started giving them to friends and to botanical gardens. Soon, the cut flowers appeared for Christmas sale in Philadelphia and New York. 

            The modern era of poinsettia culture began in 1923 when the “Oak Leaf” cultivar was introduced. This was the first cultivar to retain leaves on the flower stem. Wild plants bloom on leggy naked stems. In 1930 pink, white and variegated cultivars appeared as well as double varieties.

Until 1950 the flowers were sold as cut flowers or grown as shrubs. Since 1960 the many new cultivars have adapted the plant to growth in pots indoors. To-day their bright bracts say Christmas and light up the dark December days.

Christmas Wreath

Colour Paradise has sponsored a Christmas Wreath auction for a number of years in support of the House of Friendship and groups in the region are invited to create and donate a wreath to the auction. This year the Kitchener Horticultural Society decided to submit a wreath and Al Shivas designed and created the wreath you see above. Most of the items that you see in his creation were collected from around the gardens while others were found nearby.

The petals on the daisies are pumpkin seeds that were spray painted and attached to Teasel and a nut was glued to the center. Al admits that the Dahlia was a purchase from Michaels but he says that the most difficult part of building this wreath was catching and wrestling those little BlueBirds to the ground.

We joined three other Horticultural Societies and many local groups in the Auction. This photo was taken at Colour Paradise. Looks pretty good doesn't it. Looks even better on the wall in our living room. Had to bid more than we've paid for a wreath before but it is well worth it. We are looking forward to participating again next year and to supporting the House of Friendship